Erectile dysfunction is a fairly common condition. Research indicates that one in ten men may suffer from this medical condition. This condition can strain relationships and negatively impact a person’s mental health. If you’re suffering from it, there is no shame in getting erectile dysfunction treatment in Charleston.

However, many people think that taking natural herbs and supplements is an effective solution. Charleston Men’s Clinic wants to answer the question of whether taking these medications is safe or not.

Natural Supplements & Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Charleston

A common belief regarding nutrition and diet is that organic is always better. But when treating medical conditions like erectile dysfunction, it’s essential to consider professional opinion. Although the use of herbs is widespread, more scientific research is needed to support herbal treatment and alternate medicines.

A National Library of Medicine study examined the available literature and reported promising results. However, it is necessary to get advice from a qualified healthcare professional before taking herbal remedies or supplements for erectile dysfunction.

Are Herbal Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Charleston, Safe?

Natural erectile function herbs relax blood vessel walls to improve blood circulation. But as these herbs aren’t prescribed, an unmeasured dosage could cause low blood pressure that could put a person in a dangerous state.

In addition, these “natural supplements” may contain contaminants and other unlisted ingredients. These herbs could have side effects, especially on people that use prescription medicines.

Types of herbs that could help with Erectile Dysfunction

Herbologists have used natural substances as remedies to improve sexual pleasure and libido for ages. Let’s look at a few herbs that these herbologists used.

Panax Ginseng

It’s a tonic having a 2000 age old history in China and Korea. P. Ginseng works as an antioxidant that helps in erectile function. In addition, it also aids in improving stress, concentration, and stamina. This tonic is considered safe; however, it can induce insomnia if taken long-term.

Mondia Whitei

Commonly referred to as white ginger, it originates from Uganda, where plants are a common substitute for medication. The herb can help with treating erectile dysfunction by improving increasing libido and low sperm count. It can also increase testosterone levels and nitric oxide production during erections. However, before considering, always get a second opinion from your doctor.

Potential Risks

Although these herbs are often deemed safe, the Food and Drug Authority does not approve them as medical treatments. The natural ingredients in this medication can have side effects on the body. Always consult your doctor before relying on herbal treatment.

Get Safe Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Charleston

Considering the risks associated with herbal remedies to treat erectile dysfunction, getting help from safe and secure channels is better. If you’re in Charleston, looking for erectile dysfunction treatment, then consider the experts at Charleston Men’s Clinic.

We’re experts in dealing with erection abnormalities. Our methods our tried and tested, making them safe and secure to treat erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and low testosterone levels. Consult with our male medical professional to get started on your improvement journey.