Low Testosterone | Testosterone Treatment Charleston

Are you experiencing symptoms of low testosterone? Then it might be time to talk to a local specialist about testosterone treatment in Charleston. For many men, these symptoms can look like signs of aging: including thinning hair, increased body fat, and a decreased sex drive. But getting older doesn’t mean that you have to live with these symptoms for the rest of your life. The best way to regain control of your health once again is to meet with a specialist who can help you find treatments for your low testosterone.

Ways to Treat Low Testosterone

You can find a testosterone treatment clinic in Charleston, so you have a convenient solution to visit with a specialist whenever you need. While there are at-home treatments using topical creams, the best solution is to meet with a doctor so you can get personalized recommendations for optimal hormone balancing. Here are some of the treatment options for low testosterone:

  • Injectable Testosterone: Visit the office every 10-14 days to receive an injection of testosterone. This shot is effective in raising testosterone levels, resulting in many lifestyle benefits. Ongoing treatments are necessary to help you reach the ideal hormone levels.
  • Topical Cream: Apply the prescribed cream to clean, dry skin, usually on the upper back or arms. Be careful so you don’t transfer the hormone onto another person when using the ongoing treatment of topical cream. Even if you are using cream at home, you’ll want to consult with a testosterone specialist regularly to monitor your hormone levels.
  • Pellets: Use testosterone pellets to implant under the skin every 2 months. The pellets release the testosterone slowly into the body to reduce the frequency of doctor’s appointments.

When you are looking for testosterone treatment in Charleston, you’ll find that there are many non-invasive treatments that require minimal time. You will notice a variety of benefits, like increased muscle strength, improved sex drive, and increased sharpness in everyday decisions. Balancing your hormones can improve many areas of your life, so there is no reason to delay testosterone treatment.

At Charleston Men’s Clinic, our team of male doctors will help you find answers when you experience a change in your health. Our motto is For Men, By Men, and we ensure that each patient feels comfortable in our office. Contact us today to book an appointment.