What Are Common Signs of ED? | Erectile Dysfunction Charleston

While it might feel uncomfortable to discuss the topic of erectile dysfunction in Charleston, every person needs to stay educated about the symptoms of this common condition. When ED happens, it can be a result of new prescription medication or a sign of an underlying health issue. The truth is that ED could be an indication of other underlying conditions. So, treating ED can also have a domino effect to improve your overall life and wellness.

Common Signs of Erectile Dysfunction | Erectile Dysfunction Charleston

Every man might experience symptoms of ED at some point, so these signs don’t necessarily mean you need treatment. However, when the symptoms are ongoing, then you should make it a priority to visit an erectile dysfunction specialist in Charleston as soon as possible. Here are a few good indications that you should schedule an appointment for ED:

  1. Erections Are Unpredictable

    One common sign is that you have erections sometimes, but you might not be able to get the result every time you desire the erection. This unpredictable pattern can lead to frustration and disappointment and motivate you to talk to an erectile dysfunction specialist in Charleston.

  2. Erections Do Not Last Long

    Perhaps you can get an erection easily, but the erection does not last through the point of climax. If you cannot rely on having an erection as long as you would like, it’s time to visit a doctor.

  3. No Erections At All

    Another sign of ED is if you are experiencing complete impotence, which means you are unable to get an erection. This symptom is a good indication that you should speak with a doctor to find out the underlying causes. Your specialist will listen to your symptoms, complete an examination, and use their expertise to find a solution to your problem.


When you experience ED, the stress and anxiety cause the symptoms to worsen. Visiting a doctor and finding answers is the best way to shorten your experience with ED and continue with positive sexual experiences.

At Charleston Men’s Clinic, you can prioritize your health by seeking solutions from a trusted team of ED specialists. Our motto is For Men, By Men, and you will always find the support you need here. Contact us today to schedule an appointment today.